Documentary Workshop Two is a level three documentary video production course for those Art Center students, undergraduate and graduate, who have demonstrated in the eyes of the instructor an advanced level of skill in the art and craft of documentary film-making. Prerequisites for the course are 1) the Documentary Production Workshop, 2) Directing Three, and/or 3) prior approval of the instructor. Each student enrolled in the class will spend the entire semester working on a single full-length documentary project of their choice. Each film or video will be based upon a pre-approved story outline and individual "plan of attack" i.e., a set of specific bi-weekly objectives that MUST be met in order for the student to complete the course. In other words, the goals of the class are to be defined on a project-by-project basis under the supervision of the instructor; but once these individual objectives are set at the start of the semester, each student must agree to abide by them in order to receive credit for the course.
Take FILM-223, Directing 3 & Film-423, Documentary Film Wrk,