FILM-471B: Advanced Film Production

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
This course is an intensive class for director/producers who wish to complete an advanced video project within a single 14 week semester. Each week, students will meet individually with the two instructors to cover the entire production process from table read to final color-corrected "print." Admission to the course is by petition. Students may enroll once the instructors have determined that their script has been effectively developed and that they have presented a comprehensive 14 week timeline to completion. This section will focus on collaboration between a writer and a director; between a director and a producer; and/or between a writer/director/producer and his (or her) cast and crew. Our job over the next 14 weeks will be to help you complete your film or video short not only within a single Art Center semester but also within the larger framework of what is probably the most complex collaborative medium ever invented in which to create art.
Take FILM-256, Advanced Film Directing 1