IMER-103: Drawing

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
This course will cover the basics of drawing principles and materials, plus approaches to observation and ideation through drawing. This class will survey wet and dry mediums and their properties. Students will problem solve issues of value, mass, form, and explore the technical, perceptual and conceptual basics of drawing. Discussions will focus on what drawing is, how to read it and its relationship to the physical world. Students will begin to develop vital skills in communicating their ideas visually and expressively. Students will build confidence with handling a variety of drawing mediums while learning best practices for storing and archiving their drawings. Additionally, this course seeks to provide a foundation in how to interpret what the student sees and how to render that interpretation to a surface. Drawing is not an exercise in reproduction but a means of thinking and reflecting. Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Use representation and observation to effectively visualize ideas. 2. Employ drawing as a tool to generate ideas and connect with meaningful content. 3. Understand and apply principles of design and compositional structure as applied to drawing. 4. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of expressive and precision drawing media, materials and techniques. 5. Have an introductory understanding of the rules and conventions of typography,including consideration of the weights, widths and slants of typographic forms.