TRAN-642: Thesis Writing Studio

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
As noted, the conceptual development of an idea that responds to the Thesis question is one key component of our Master of Science Degree. The other key element is the Thesis Report, which must be finally approved by the Thesis Advisors and the department before the degree is released. Our department attaches great importance to the scholarly content of the Thesis Report. While it is not always appreciated by our students at the time, we believe in the longer term, the quality of the Thesis Report reflects the great professionalism of each of our students as they transition into the professional world. In turn this therefore adds to the reputation and influence of our department, which benefits past, present and future students of the program. In an ideal world, students would hand in a completed and satisfactory Thesis Report at the same time as completing the Thesis Project. In reality, this is rarely achieved. There is a typical lag in getting necessary expert feedback and some time is required for thoughtful reflections on the overall Thesis. Therefore, this Thesis Writing Studio is designed to provide support to each student to ensure that as they approach the conclusion of their Thesis Project, they are taking care to develop their Thesis Report in parallel and have a plan to complete it in a timely manner.