IND-600: 5th Term Progress Review

Credits 0
Instructional Method
Academic Level
The 5th term progress review involves a one on one meeting with the department chair and typically with other thesis project faculty to review student progress to date, identify and discuss student concerns, challenges and opportunities especially regarding final thesis project progress and individual plans for graduation. Students must show significant progress on their thesis project including a clear direction for development work to be done in the final M6 term to pass the review. Students with ambiguous plans or insufficient progress on the M5 research phase of the two term thesis project will fail the review and are required to retake the M5 thesis class and repeat the 5th term progress review with a passing grade before being able to register for classes in the M6 term. Students that receive a passing grade in this review are expected to remain on track with their selected project direction. Students may change direction after this point but must repeat the 5th term thesis and progress review if they choose to do so.
Take IND-681