HSCI-271: Neurons Sparking

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
Why do ad agencies, game design companies and film-makers turn to neuroscience to improve product performance? What have neuroscientists discovered about stress and how to reduce it? How do dophin brain studies help us improve our understanding of human sleep? These and other questions are entertained in Neurons Sparking. As an interactive lecture/demo course- Neurons Sparking introduces you to the culture of neuroscience and the discoveries researchers are making about human and other animal brains. Using ethnographic methods of inquiry, you will examine the research models and the tools that practicing neuroscientists use to collect data and make discoveries. Throughout the term, everyone in course conducts a live interview with a neuroscientist and makes a survey of recently published neuroscience literature to learn about the challenges and achievements of cognitive / affective and evolutionary neuroscience. By the end of the term, you will leave with a ground level understanding of the scientific method, neuroscience anatomy, and the neuroscience research that is relevant to your field of study and personal interests. Once you complete Neurons Sparking, you will have a better understanding of your own brain/mind and have at your fingertips, design research skills needed to work on future design industry projects.
Must have taken: HMN-100/HWRI-102 Writing Studio, or
HMN-101/HWRI-101 Writing Studio Intensive, or Pass the
Writing Placement Exam