This class serves as an introduction to the main frameworks of the MDEs program. In this practice based class, students will move beyond traditional UX and IxD Methods (service blueprints, wireframes and personas) to frame their work in Inclusive product , AI (Agentive Tech) and Strategic Prototyping methodologies. People experience a product, tool or service in a complex architecture of interactions. Students will consider a specific ecosystem in which to experiment and innovate optimally and sustainably. Integrating core concepts from service and customer experience (CX) Design, students will craft service blueprints, strategic prototypes with an eye to inclusion, sustainability and innovation across a range of canvases, for multiple users and stakeholders. Students will break services into sections and adapt fine-tuned solutions to suit all users' needs in context-based on actors, location and other factors.
This class will include 1 group and 1 personal project. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in a series of additional workshops through GradLab on Interaction Foundations to hone existing skills in HCD, IxD and UX methodologies. Class is divided into 2 sessions, including group crit, panel review and a series of 1-1 design review sessions, to be scheduled during class times. All students will also receive an introduction to Human Subject Research and take online CITI certification.