HSCI-106: Intro to Materials Sci ONLINE

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
This online course will introduce students to the fundamentals of materials science through a combination of lectures, in-class problem solving, and at-home materials exploration. In addition to learning about the four major classes of materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites), students will get an overview of the major topics accompanying materials, including bonding, crystal systems, materials defects and failure, thermodynamics, diffusion, and phase diagrams. Finally, students will be introduced to the major functional properties of materials, including mechanical, thermal, optical, electrical, magnetic, and acoustic properties. Students will also learn the standard methods of testing for each type of property. Basic proficiency in algebra and geometry are required. Basic chemistry, trigonometry and calculus are helpful, but not required.
Must have taken: HMN-100/HWRI-102 Writing Studio, or
HMN-101/HWRI-101 Writing Studio Intensive, or Pass the
Writing Placement Exam