This course helps make larger impact by creating a strategy to further the intent of the artist or designer.
The business value of design has been established. Design Thinking has been adopted into the arsenal of business tools as a way to put the user's needs at the center of the organization to create new opportunities. The design process has been used to solve business problems and tell compelling stories. This course introduces business strategy to artists and designers and gives the students the understanding and vocabulary to be involved in making business decisions and innovation.
While the designer is immersed in the design mindset and methods, they are generally concerned with making artifacts (offerings, experiences, etc.) for a user or customer. This course practices applying these skills more broadly towards all stakeholders in a business setting including their non-design counterparts, shareholders, investors, etc., and considering their point of view.
Must have taken: HMN-100/HWRI-102 Writing Studio, or
HMN-101/HWRI-101 Writing Studio Intensive, or Pass the
Writing Placement Exam
HMN-101/HWRI-101 Writing Studio Intensive, or Pass the
Writing Placement Exam