Fabrication Innovation Furniture 1 will challenge the student to re-invent traditional form creation through experimental prototyping in both digital and analog processes. Students will be required to research and document specific points of innovation in furniture design and what they are a response to, whether it be new technology, discovery of new materials and fabrication processes, and or shifts in social norms. Through the use of both direct and procedural 3d modeling, along with advanced rendering techniques and real-world fabrication, students will be challenged to carve inroads into a new and more relevant form language for the modern lifestyle. Students will be required to demonstrate an expanded vocabulary both in form evaluation and real-world fabrication processes across a diverse range of materials. By exploring innovative form creation through non-linear workflows that restack the norms of conventional thought, long held assumptions will be reconsidered and a sense of discovery will fuel inquiry.
SXD-602F: Fabrication Innovation 1: FLF
Instructional Method
Academic Level