GMDP-676: Creative Technology 5

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
This course continues to offer a series of short project that focus on engaging with technology as a generative exercise ("making to think"). The topics complement other courses in the program, and focus on emerging technologies such as machine learning, AR/VR, and simulation, along with imaginative approaches to using more familiar tools and technologies. Students learn to apply new technologies in creative ways, and experiment with fast prototyping and experimentation to discover potential and unexpected affordances of technologies. The course also includes a seminar portion, which introduces diverse references, drawing from fields of Interaction Design, Interactive Media Arts, and Science Technology Society studies (STS). In the second half of the course, students will work on an independent technical project with mentorship of the faculty member and discuss how work with/about technology is part of their emerging practice.
Take GMDP-646, Creative Technology 4