TRAN-520: Transportation Sys Studio 1

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
Designing solutions through professional-level studio practice is the core of the program. Each semester, the Transportation Systems Design Studios will successively build competencies and complexities. Our department goal is to graduate "systems-thinking" designers as opposed to designers of products. Fundamentally, we are concerned with understanding the human condition in the built environment so that we can better determine the kinds of transportation systems that are needed to support equity, environmental restoration, quality of life, thriving communities and healthy enterprise. This principal is arrived at by understanding that designing products is a subsidiary function of understanding service designing, which is a subsidiary function of understanding experience designing. While we might design products or vehicles in the program this will only be as a function of a larger system, service and environment. Therefore, TRAN-520 will start this process of understanding the scope and trajectory of the overall studio experience through the first four semesters as well as best design practices.