PRD-419: Launch Prep

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
LAUNCH PREP, open to all ArtCenter Majors, is a mid-degree studio class for aspiring entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, investors, inventors, makers, founders and strategists. This course will align your core prototyping skills, startup development tools and business expertise, helping you build a repeatable formula to validate and launch new businesses and ventures. Existing concepts and projects are welcome but not required in this team-based, interdisciplinary experience. Topics covered include: tactical research, in-person interviews, customer discovery, market analysis, financial strategy, intellectual property and scale with a materials and supplies stipend to cover expenses.* This class will help you build a practical plan with key milestones to grow your startup or business goals during your remaining terms at ArtCenter. *Stipends of up to $1,500 available per team to cover materials and supplies for prototyping. Application required. Prerequisites: one intro/studio entrepreneurship or business class. Final projects must be scalable and focused on social impact. Questions: REGISTRATION DEADLINE WEEK 12.
Must be 4th Term and above