TRAN-306: Intro to Automotive UX

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
The auto industry is moving forward into a new era. While values like attractive exterior and interior designs remain important.electrification, new sales models, and advanced interfaces are reaching new customers and forging new brands. Intro to Auto UX is a new elective to introduce specific skills needed by the mobility industry for students interested in Automotive Interior Design and/or UX/UI design. We will explore the intersection of vehicle ergonomics, interface design, industrial design, and branding. The class will be conducted in a team environment with a focus on understanding the interaction between the brand, lifestyle, and technology in the auto industry. We will introduce the fundamentals of customer research and learn to empathize with the user's viewpoint, explore journey mapping, and finally storyboard a proposal for our own user experience/interface design. Open to students 6th term and higher in Transportation Design, Interaction Design, Product Design plus students in Graduate ID or Graduate Transportation Systems and Design.
Must be 6th Term or higher