Policies for Students Enrolled in Exchange and Study Away Programs

ArtCenter regards all students as responsible individuals who have the same obligations as others to observe the laws of the United States and the local and national laws of the host country. The College does not regard itself or its students as being above the law in any way. In addition, as members of an academic community, students assume rights and responsibilities inherent to the nature of that community and bear a responsibility to preserve an appropriate collegiate environment.

Students who participate in ArtCenter Study Away Programs are enrolled at ArtCenter and are subject to the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct to the same extent that they would be if studying on campus. Any student who engages in conduct that violates the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to review and sanctions, including, where appropriate, dismissal from the Program.

Prohibited Conduct

Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to the following:

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct, Academic Misconduct policy, and other ArtCenter college policies.  

Study Away Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy

ArtCenter does not encourage the use of alcohol or condone drinking patterns or behaviors that are detrimental to the health and welfare of the individual, the ArtCenter community, or the community at large. Alcohol may be consumed, but not abused, by students who are of legal age in their host countries. Students who choose to consume alcohol do so with the knowledge that they always remain responsible for their actions. ArtCenter prohibits the use of alcohol that is illegal in the host country and prohibits the distribution of alcohol to students who are not of legal drinking age in their host countries.

ArtCenter Study Away Programs have a zero tolerance for the purchase, possession, use, or distribution of any drugs considered to be illicit or illegal. Any violations will be grounds for dismissal. Students are further cautioned that the possession of drugs is often dealt with harshly by local, host-county law enforcement, and neither the College not the U.S. Embassy can obtain release from jail.

Guest Policy

To maintain the academic, cultural, and logistical integrity of any Study Away Program, students are prohibited from inviting any guests to participate on any ArtCenter Study Away Program, including staying overnight in program accommodations. If participating in an exchange program, guest privileges are subject to the partner institution’s policies (e.g., residence hall policies).

Study Away Disciplinary Procedure

Given the nature and function of Study Away Programs, study-participant adherence to policies, procedures, and directives is crucial. The paragraphs below set forth the procedure for resolving alleged violations of this Code.

Should there be an allegation of a violation of any ArtCenter policy, faculty of ArtCenter Study Away Programs may conduct investigations and hold hearings for conduct matters that occur abroad. Faculty may consult with the Director of Exchange and Study Away, Associate Director of Student Conduct, or the Associate Dean of Students/Director of the Center for Student Experience throughout the process. At the discretion of the Associate Dean of Students/Director of the Center for Student Experience (or designee) and in consultation with the faculty, the Associate Dean of Students/Director of the Center for Student Experience (or designee) may assume jurisdiction for, and render a decision on, any cases involving students studying off-campus.

Student Conduct Meetings

The purpose of student conduct meetings is to review allegations and evidence of ArtCenter policy violations and decide whether it was more likely than not that the violation occurred.

Meetings are conducted to ensure the students are offered due process in reviewing of the case. More specifically, accused students will have their due process rights respected by being provided with notice of the alleged wrongdoing and an opportunity to respond to the allegations in a fair proceeding before a neutral decision-maker.

  1. The will Faculty will investigate to determine whether sufficient evidence supports the allegations. The Faculty member will resolve most cases through a student conduct meeting between the student and the Faculty member. At their discretion, the Faculty member shall determine whether there was sufficient evidence that the student engaged in prohibited conduct as outlined in this Code and what sanctions should be applied.
  2. Students who do not respond to the request for a student conduct meeting may have their case determined in their absence.
  3. The Faculty will notify the student in writing of the sanction and will send a copy of the sanction letter to the Center to Student of Experience to be placed in the student’s conduct file.
  4. The Center for Student Experience holds concurrent jurisdiction and make take further action upon the student’s return to the College.

​​​​In cases where a suspension of expulsion has been issued the case will be reviewed by the Student Conduct Hearing Board per the guidelines in the Student Code of Conduct (add link).


A student may appeal a determination by the Faculty or Hearing Board based upon at least one of these four criteria:

  1. The sanction is grossly disproportionate to the offense.
  2. The Code procedures were not followed, resulting in significant prejudice to the student.
  3. In the exercise of reasonable diligence, new relevant evidence that could not have been produced at the hearing is available.
  4. The decision is not supported by evidence.

All requests for appeals must be in writing, setting forth the basis for the appeal with specificity. Appeals must be delivered to the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students, with a copy to the Faculty member, within five business days of the date that the student received the written determination of the sanction from the Faculty member or Hearing Board.

The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students will review the Faculty member’s summary of the testimony, findings of fact, decision and the recommended sanction, the student’s disciplinary history, and the student’s written statement.

The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students may request either the Faculty member or the student submit, in writing, additional information. They may also ask the student and the Faculty member to clarify testimony from the hearing.

The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students may affirm, reduce, or increase the sanctions and will notify the student in writing.

Standard of Review

The Faculty member, the Hearing Board, or the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students shall decide based on the Preponderance of Evidence.


The Student Code of Conduct includes a list of possible sanctions. Other sanctions include suspension from program-related activities, removal from housing, dismissal from the program, and denial of participation in future Study Away opportunities.

Sexual Misconduct

ArtCenter College of Design (“ArtCenter” or “the College”) is committed to maintaining an inclusive community that is supportive of students and employees in all of its programs and activities. Part of this commitment is providing an educational and working environment that is free of sexual misconduct in accordance with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”), which prohibits sex discrimination in employment; and the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (“SaVE Act”), Violence Against Women Act (“VAWA”), and the Clery Act.

To ensure compliance with these and other federal and state laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of employment and education, ArtCenter has developed a Sexual Misconduct Policy (“Policy”), which applies to all students, faculty, and staff. The Policy defines the College’s administrative policies and procedures designed to provide a prompt, fair and impartial process to address alleged sexual misconduct or alleged retaliation for reporting or supporting the reporting of sexual misconduct.


ArtCenter exercises jurisdiction under its Sexual Misconduct Policy in connection with all academic, educational, co-curricular, extracurricular, and other programs and activities of the College, whether those programs or activities take place at ArtCenter’s Hillside or South campus, at a designated satellite studio, or at another location if these programs are sponsored by ArtCenter or are under ArtCenter’s control.

ArtCenter also exercises jurisdiction over conduct occurring in a building or facility owned or controlled by an officially recognized student organization, conduct that is subject to ArtCenter’s disciplinary authority, and any external conduct that has an impact on the downstream or in-program effects, whether or not the conduct occurred outside ArtCenter’s education program or outside the United States.

The Sexual Misconduct Policy can be applied to the effects of off-campus misconduct that effectively deprive someone of access to ArtCenter’s educational program or employment. The College may also extend jurisdiction to off-campus and/or to online conduct when the Title IX Coordinator determines that the conduct affects a substantial College interest, such as a situation that is detrimental to the educational interests or mission of the College.

Procedures for Filing Complaints

Students can report any incident of sexual misconduct with their faculty leader or report it directly to the Title IX office at titleix@artcenter.edu. More information on Title IX Policies, Procedures, and Reporting Options can be found on ArtCenter’s website at ArtCenter.edu/Title-IX. If you believe that you have experienced sexual misconduct and would like to seek medical treatment immediately, contact your travel insurance provider, CISI (for exchange and faculty-led programs), to locate the closest hospital for medical treatment: 1.609.986.1234 (collect outside the U.S.) Email: medservices@assistamerica.com

Program Housing

Students are required to live in established program housing when it is provided by the College or host institution. The College finds housing partners and accommodations with consideration for cost, health, safety, security, and educational needs of the students and the specific Study Away Program.

Housing information will be solicited from students prior to departure; however, the College cannot guarantee compliance with individual requests and preferences. If a student has a disability that requires reasonable accommodations, the student needs to advise the Center for the Student Experience as soon as possible, upon notification of acceptance, for arrangements to be made. (See also Students with Disabilities section).

Should a housing conflict arise, the College encourages students to bring it to the attention of the faculty leader of the Exchange and Study Away office so that they may assist in resolving it.

Students will be responsible for housing damages, lost keys, and any other fees incurred during their stay. The Exchange and Study Away office will notify students of these additional charges that will be applied to the student’s account.

If a Study Away Program does not provide housing, the student will accept all associated risks, be solely responsible for all expenses and arrangements related to housing and be requires to provide the Exchange and Study Away Office with the address and contact information of where they will be residing.

Transportation Policy

Traffic-related accidents are the leading cause of student injuries and deaths while abroad. Students are prohibited from driving motor vehicles (including but not limited to scooters, motorbikes, motorcycles, and cars) while participating in an ArtCenter Study Away Program outside of the U.S. unless they possess a valid driver’s license and driver’s insurance in the host country. Students should obey all local vehicle and pedestrian laws and use public transit whenever that option exists and is safe. A student’s personal liability coverage takes precedence over ArtCenter liability coverage should a motor vehicle be used.

Exceptions to this policy may be considered based on the content of the program curriculum, associate field trips, and supervised projects. All such considerations must be discussed with the academic department and Exchange and Study Away office in advance.