This elective course focuses on packaging systems as relevant branding mechanisms in contemporary consumer packaging design and development. Students will be exposed to creative concepting as it relates to strategic planning and thinking appropriate to the client's goals and intent as well as the market in which the client is positioned. Additional emphasis will be placed on developing students' ability to conduct meaningful research and analysis. Students will address projects involving the revitalization of existing brands as well as creating a brand image vis-224-vis a product, identity and subsequent packaging applications within a cogent marketing program. Graduate-level students are expected to provide more comprehensive research than undergrads and a written 500 word statement related to their project(s).
Take GMGX-551, Graduate Studio 2 (3-Yr Path) -OR-
GMGX-601, Graduate Studio 3 (2-Yr Path)
GMGX-601, Graduate Studio 3 (2-Yr Path)