The 5th Term Review is a required review of the student's cumulative integration and synthesis of learning as demonstrated through a portfolio presentation within the format of a personal interview. The 5th term placement allows both the student and the department representatives to assess the integration of fundamental analogue and critical skills and competencies at a pivotal juncture in the individual's academic process. This in-depth review acts as a gateway within the student's academic career, facilitating communication, feedback, support, and specific guidance and recommendations as the student moves into the crucial portfolio building and career alignment phase of the upper terms.
The student portfolio is evaluated as to the ability to demonstrate an evolving comprehension of the department Program Learning Outcomes as relevant to their current position within the curriculum, and as an opportunity to address individual student concerns. The review is conducted as a personal interview with the chair and/or key faculty or track advisor, and uses the portfolio as the basis for an evaluation that addresses 1) the ability to demonstrate an evolving comprehension of the departmental program learning outcomes as relevant to their current position within the curriculum (see Review rubric), 2) a clear discussion of student's immediate and long term career goals after graduation, 3) specific course recommendations by chair/faculty/track leaders for the remaining terms in support those goals, and 4) any specific questions and/or concerns the student might have pertinent to their education.
Take ILL-275, 4th Term Portfolio Review;