ILL-316: Story in a Picture

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
The images in the majority of student entertainment portfolios are primarily descriptive. This can be appropriate for much concept design or visual development, but you are entering an industry based on narrative. Can you tell a story with your images? A large number of industry professionals have stated that they respond much more strongly to a sense of emotional involvement in student work. Story in a Picture is designed to put more story in your images. The class will provide compositional tools to create more focused eye movement and emotional content. Assignments will be both single and multiple images in whatever medium you are comfortable in. The class will offer situations, guidelines and some other help for your stories, but your images are going to do the story telling. Pre-requisite: ILL-253, Image & Idea (3 Credits)
Take ILL -253, Image & Idea
Take ILL-275, 4th Term Review OR ILL-300, 5th Term Review