ILL-324: Jumpstart

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
Make great work and know why you are doing it. Jumpstart gives fifth term Illustration Design track students an early start on preparation for the demands and rigor of their senior graduating class: Portfolio Design Lab. Students will work in a highly creative studio atmosphere with multiple faculty and gain a clearer understanding of their own unique voice at an earlier stage, and will work on identifying and creating professional level portfolio samples that align that voice through media that translates to today's marketplace demands. Together we will explore the exciting range of available markets and career paths available after graduation, and develop an early career strategy to bring a self driven and informed focus to the upper term experience. Students will align voice to career path, and greatly benefit from an early introduction to professional portfolio practices. Students will also prepare for their Fifth Term Review within the structure of this course through the active development of their digital portfolio, gaining presentation skills through rehearsal well in advance of the Review. Working together with multiple faculty and utilizing feedback from their fifth term reviews, students will also identify a clear and effective curricular plan for their remaining terms, allowing them to polish necessary skill sets, innovate new samples identifying future classes and importantly, potential internships to help them achieve their goals.