INT-137: Form Paradigms

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
This class combines 3D printing technologies with material explorations. Artists and designers form all disciplines are encouraged to explore opportunities for integrating digital forms and abstraction of craft. This class includes a basic introduction to RHINO, a 3D modeling software and various rapid prototyping technologies, such as laser cutting, CNC milling and 3D starch and/or wax printing. The goal is to integrate traditional methods with the technological, mediating the influence between form and material, manual and machine procedures to invent a compelling new way of constructing form. Projects will range from sculpture to packaging, vessels to jewelry, lamp construction to tiling. The material explorations may include working with wood, plaster, plastics, paper-making, cardboard, molding + casting (slip casting with various clay bodies), electroplating and silver casting (or other non ferrous metals).