ILL-257: Character Jam & Monster Mashup

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
The design principles we will utilize in CJ&MM will have applications in animated films, illustration, games, toy design, comics, live action visual effects films, storyboarding, and commercials. CJ&MM is a fast paced, quick turn around, idea based, pencil / ink on paper concept class. It mimics the industry working process and your ideas will be assessed as if you were working with the client directly. We will concentrate on concept and execution utilizing a wide variety of source materials and applications. Context will be provided through historical, cultural, and genre awareness, from comic books through ancient Egypt. Highest priority will be given to structural validity and three dimensional thinking. If you think you might want a career in visual development for animated films, illustration, games, toy design, or live action films we will focus on the skill set that you need for these disciplines.
Take ILL-275, 4th Term Reveiw OR
Take ILL-300, 5th Term Review