ILL-392: Google Doodle

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
In this course, students will design a Google Doodle, or interrelated series of Google Doodles. Please note that members of the Google Doodle team will be visiting the studio over the course of the semester, briefing students on the real-world process of developing Doodles, and serving as guest critics along the way. In all cases, students will be asked to challenge the current limits of the Google Doodle, re-imagining and expanding the role that the Doodles could play in the world. For example: could Google Doodles encourage positive behavioral changes? promote products or services? organize political action? be customized by the user? be offered as a subscription? or something else? What might Google Doodles be like in the future? Students will have the opportunity to consider the whole Google Doodle engagement, from beginning to end-not merely the appearance of the logo, but the related animation (if any), whatever the Doodle links to (a game? entertainment? information?), and the call to action (if any). Open to upper term (5th term or higher) students in Illustration, Interaction Design, Entertainment Design, Graphic Design, and Advertising
Take ILL-275, 4th Term Review OR ILL-300, 5th Term Review