ILL-361A: Illustration Strategies

Credits 3
Instructional Method
Academic Level
Illustration Strategies is a dynamic studio and orientation course to help Illustration Design students make informed decisions in regards to career, professional goals, markets, portfolio, and curricular choices. Acting as a preparation and stepping stone for Portfolio Design Lab, this course takes a deep-dive into the wide range of markets available for employment after graduation, exploring the pros and cons of the realities of freelance, in-house, and entrepreneurial career paths. Comprehensive profiles of recent Illustration Design graduates complete a detailed career picture, clarifying where those grads find work and what that work looks like. Guest speakers provide further real-world context to multiple career options, all informing student market research and presentations, enabling students to make smart and informed decisions throughout their upper terms, and strategically preparing them for the challenges of Portfolio Design Lab and their graduating term. Students will complete a major portfolio project reflecting this clear understanding of career direction as they head into their upper terms. This is required fifth term class for all Illustration Design track students.