This course leverages the impact of materials and surfaces on the spatial experience. Previous projects will be brought into class in order to rethink, refine and gain a deeper understanding of material project development. Students will work on sustainable in depth material selections that tie effectively into the storytelling of the project. Aspects like brand relationship, business or use case scenario and local and cultural facets will be addressed in order to create a criteria-driven and sustainable approach towards creating a strong material concept. The effect of selected surfaces and finishes on value proposition, atmosphere and intuitive behavior in space as well as manufacturing processes and finishing techniques will be taken into consideration. Communicating these ideas with compelling material concept representations, refined renderings and material sample displays will be just as important.
Course Objective: The goal of this class is to achieve a profound comprehension of thorough material and surface selections, representation techniques and to leave you with elaborate and refined portfolio pieces.
Take SXD-350, 6th Term Review concurrently